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Solidarity with Medevac Refugees Petition

Writer's picture: racqldracqld

Solidarity with Medevac Refugees. Free all indefinitely detained refugees now!

The Refugee Action Collective Victoria has launched a petition in solidarity with the Medevac refugees on hunger strike, all refugees indefinitely detained, and with those still held offshore indefinitely by Australia.

The petition calls on Karen Andrews, Minister for Home Affairs, and Alex Hawke, Minister for Immigration, to immediately free all indefinitely detained refugees.

Sign the petition here today!

This is urgent.

A group of Medevac refugees held at MITA (Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation) detention center in Broadmeadows have re-started their hunger strike protest to demand their freedom.

We hold grave fears for the health of the hunger strikers. Their health is being harmed by the policies of the Coalition government. No Coalition government Minister has ever provided an explanation as to why around half of the Medevac refugees have been released, but half remain in indefinite detention.

Indefinite detention for Medevac refugees is now into its ninth year, 33 Medevac refugees are held in the Park Hotel in Melbourne and 38 in MITA in Broadmeadows. In total, around 90 refugees who came from Australia's offshore hell holes on PNG and Nauru are still detained around Australia. Approximately 230 people remain offshore. They must all be freed.

Once you've signed, please share on Facebook, Twitter or by email.

Men in MITA receiving medical care. Source: Amin Afravi


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