Vigil at Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Friday 30th August from 4.30 PM
Join us near The Main Entrance, Close to Butterworth Street
(Easily accessed from RBWH Busway Station)
A 36-year-old man known as Jamal is understood to have self-immolated inside his room on Nauru while speaking with a mental health doctor on Friday. The Pakistani asylum seeker is now in intensive care at The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.
It took 24 hours to get Jamal medivaced off Nauru to Brisbane. The Government needs to be reminded that we are watching them to ensure that The Medevac Law is not only put into practice, but also to urgently transfer critically ill asylum seekers and refugees to Australia. This 24 hours can barely be seen as being an urgent extraction.
The delay by authorities in flying Omid, an Iranian refugee who set himself on fire on Nauru in 2016, was responsible for his death. This is one of many reasons why The Medevac law was introduced. Peter Dutton and Immigration Minister David Coleman must be held to account for both their actions as well as inaction.