Recommended Reading
Reluctant Rescuers by Tony Kevin. -$10
Harsh measures directed at deterring asylum seekers are meant to "save lives at sea", but do our politicians (or the border protection system they have created) really care about people drowning at sea? Tony Kevin, author of Reluctant Rescuers, says serious questions need to be asked about Australia's response to boats in distress.
Uncovering Forgotten Cities by Abdon Dantas -$25
Why do people get on boats? Is there an orderly queue? Abdon Dantes' book gives us a better understanding of the realities that force people to get on boats, sometimes with fatal consequences. Abdon is a multilingual engineer who has extensively traveled and visited some of the world's largest refugee camps to research this ground-breaking informative book.
The books are available at RAC organising meetings and RAC street stalls, and at public meetings and rallies organised by RAC. Otherwise contact RAC via email and books can be arranged to be picked up.

Fact Sheets
RAC Qld Fact Sheets & Media Releases
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Fact Sheets
Info Sheet: Government Bill to Remove Last Safety Net for Refugees Fleeing Death, Torture and Persecution by Margarett McPherson
Asylum Insight Facts and Analysis: Australia's Dwindling Moral Authority in PNG
Federal Parliamentary Library Research Paper:
Asylum seekers and refugees: what are the facts?