Contact Us
General contact:
Mail: PO Box 8086, Woolloongabba, Qld 4102
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RAC media contact:
RAC's media releases and previous comments in media can be accessed through its facebook page.
Media professionals seeking information, assistance or comment can contact RAC's official media spokespeople:
Mark Gillespie:
0439 561 196
Submissions Welcome:
Mail: PO Box 8086, Woolloongabba, Qld 4102
How else can I donate?
You can also donate using a direct transfer to RAC's Bendigo Bank Account, 'Refugee Action Collective', BSB 633000, Account 204189336.
You can also send cheques or money orders made out to "Refugee Action Collective" at:
PO Box 8086, Woolloongabba, Qld 4102
If you would like to discuss what your donation may be used for specifically, contact us at
Help People Seeking Asylum by donating to Refugee Action Collective
Why donate?
The Refugee Action Collective is a volunteer based, independent organisation, which relies upon community support to campaign successfully.
One way that you can help is by making a donation. Money is used for ongoing operational costs such as phone bills and photocopying, and also to fund our many campaigns and projects.
Please donate via Paypal using the Donate button:
We would love to hear from you if you have ideas or skills you’d like to share.
If you would like to discuss how you could get involved in more detail, send us an email.
Please contact us at our RAC email address and find out how you can join the campaign!
Visit our Get Involved page for more information.
All refugee rights supporters are welcome to participate in RAC organising meetings, whatever your level of experience. For those wishing to get involved in the campaign for the first time, coming to the organising meeting is a good first step.
For more information, and details of the next meeting, visit our Get Involved page, or email Mark.